A Partial List of PORFLOW™ Users
The ultimate test for a software package is what its users say. We are proud to have repeat customers of high caliber throughout the years. Here is a partial list of PORFLOW customers. Please contact us to obtain the name and contact information of the person who directly uses PORFLOW™ in these organizations.
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Missisauga, Ontario, Canada -- www.aecl.ca
Since 1998, AECL has been using PORFLOW™ for nuclear waste management calculations.
Raven Ridge Resources, Grand Junction, CO, USA -- www.ravenridge.com
Raven Ridge Resources performs resource assessments and evaluations of energy prospects, including coalbed methane, conventional natural gas, and coal resources. They have been using PORFLOW™ to simulate Methane emissions into coal mines.
MSE Technology Applications, Butte, MT, USA -- www.mse-ta.com
Working with U.S Department of Energy, MSE Technology Applications deals with projects like industrial waste stream pollution prevention and environmental containment. They have been using PORFLOW™ as a simulation tool since 1998.
Golder Associates, Seattle, WA, USA -- www.golder.com
The Seattle Office of Golder uses PORFLOW™ as a simulation tool in oil & gas projects.
Golder Associates, Atlanta, GA, USA -- www.golder.com
Golder's Atlanta Office uses PORFLOW™ as a simulation tool in waste management issues.
US Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle, WA, USA -- www.nws.usace.army.mil
Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste (HTRW) Design Center of USACE, Seattle uses PORFLOW™ for groundwater remediation and soil solidification projects. See www.nws.usace.army.mil/geotech/papers/umdaewl.htm for a brief summary of a sample PORFLOW modeling.
Savannah River Site, Savannah, SC, USA -- www.srs.gov
SRS was constructed during the early 1950s to produce the basic materials used in the fabrication of nuclear weapons, primarily tritium and plutonium-239. They use PORFLOW™ primarily for nuclear waste management simulation purposes.
ANDRA, Chatenay-Malabry, Paris, France -- www.andra.fr
ANDRA, Agence Nationale Pour la Gestion des Déchets Radioactifs - or the French National Radioactive Waste Management Agency has been using PORFLOW™ extensively for years.
Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID, USA -- www.inel.gov
Operated by the US Department of Energy, INEEL has been one of the major nuclear power research and development laboratories of US. They use PORFLOW™ as a simulation tool for nuclear waste disposal applications.
Korea Electric Power Corporation, Seoul, South Korea -- www.kepco.co.kr
KEPCO uses PORFLOW™ to manage their nuclear waste disposal program and for other environmental issues.
Related Links:
# PORFLOW Applications
# PORFLOW Express
# PORFLOW Publications
# PORFLOW Price List
# Request CFDStudio/PORFLOW Demo
# CFDStudio/PORFLOW Tutorials
# PORFLOW Manual
# PORFLOW Validation Report