Selected Application Areas for PORFLOW
As is outlined in PORFLOW home page, PORFLOW is designed and developed for a very specific purpose: To simulate fluid flow and/or transport phenomena in porous / fractured media. Yet such a narrow field has many application areas. We encourage contacting some of our current/past users to see what applications they have worked on. Here is a selected list of applications that PORFLOW has been used in.
High & low level nuclear waste disposal
Hazardous waste disposal & clean up
Chemical & Organic pollution of ground water
Environmental impact analysis
Exothermic chemical reactions in porous beds
Ground water resource evaluation
Storage & withdrawal of hot water in aquifer
Tidal interaction with coastal aquifers
Salinity intrusion in coastal aquifers
Sub-surface & sub-sea oil/gas pipelines
Multi-fluid, multiphase ground water dynamics
Impact of explosive Chernobyl-type accidents
Ground water & atmospheric interaction
Thawing/Freezing of permafrost
Propagation of freezing fronts
Corrosion of waste canisters and liners
Reverse circulation drilling analysis
Performance enhancement of oil wells
Dewatering of mines
Consolidation of soils
Geologic evolution of sedimentary basins
Related Links:
# PORFLOW Applications
# PORFLOW Express
# PORFLOW Publications
# PORFLOW Price List
# Request CFDStudio/PORFLOW Demo
# CFDStudio/PORFLOW Tutorials
# PORFLOW Manual
# PORFLOW Validation Report