- ACRi, S.A., Sophia Antipolis, France.
Qualite des eaux dans l'estuaire de la Laita: suivi des rejets pollutants
- ARAMCO Overseas, The Hague, Netherlands.
A mathematical model for thermal plume calculations
- ARCO, Anchorage, AL.
Hydrodynamic & oil modeling spill for the Beaufort Sea
- Atlantic Richfield Company, Anchorage, AL.
Drilling fluid dispersion & biological effects for the Cook Inlet C.O.S.T. Well
- Bechtel Corporation, San Francisco, CA.
Thermal plume study at Ruwais, Abu Dhabi gas project, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
- Black & Veatch International and James M. Montgomery.
Canal cities water and wastewater phase II project for Port Said
- CSIR-CMMACS, Government of India. Bangalore, India.
Simulation of pollutant dispersion in Thane Creek, India
- Dames & Moore, Honolulu, HI.
3-D modeling of thermal discharge from GE design of an OTEC power plant offshore of Kahe Point, HI.
- HYDRATEC, Paris, France.
Modelisation d'un rejet le long de la Cote de Nacre
- Ingenieros Civiles Consulotres, Ltd., Santiage, Chile.
Water quality and hydrodynamic modeling of Coquimbo Bay, Chile
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul, Korea.
Thermal impact of the proposed nuclear power plants at Bibong Bay, Korea
- Minerals Management Service, US-DOI, Washington DC
Modeling of discharge of drilling fluids & cutting from OCS platforms
- Principia, S.A., Madrid, Spain.
Analysis de vertidos de los aliviaderos del colector interceptor general de aviles
- Principia Recherch Developpement S.A., Paris, France.
Tidal hydrodynamics model with run-up & draw-down for Bombay Harbor, India
- SEMAH & ACRi, SEA., Sophia Antipolis, France.
Amenagement de futur port d'Hammamet: Courantologie dans les Bassins
- Seminole Electric Cooperative, Inc., FL.
Statement on mathematical modeling of St. Johns River
- U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, Anchorage, AL.
Final environment impact statement: Prudhoe Bay Oil Field, Waterflood Project